
reebok - be more human

  • director
    henrik rostrup
  • dop
    erik henriksson
  • ac
    filip stankovic
  • color
    ola bäccman
  • score
    carl louis
  • sound
    ulf blomqvist & red pipe


henrik rostrup
Henrik Rostrup found filmmaking by accident. Grounded in a decades-long passion for adventure and competitive sports, his work consistently balances universal emotion within a specific narrative. Raised in Norway and currently based in Sweden, Henrik skipped film school and jumped into Scandinavian competition sports cinema from a young age, capturing professional skiers, snowboarders, and mountain bikers. Athleticism and worldwide travel served as the catalyst for what eventually became a multifaceted professional career: as an agency creative, as founder of production company Atlas, and ultimately as a director. He has since led high-profile campaigns for premium brands like Vodaphone, Montblanc, Reebok and many more. More than an artistic thinker, Henrik is known for finding focus and organization within high-stakes, complicated, often unpredictable production scenarios. In fact, he enjoys it.